Why You Shouldn't Consider Flossing An Optional Activity

Posted on: 3 April 2018

Flossing is not the easiest or more pleasurable thing to do, but it is something that dentists recommend doing every single day. Dentists recommend this because they know how important flossing is for good oral health, yet there are a lot of people that consider flossing an optional daily activity. Here are the top reasons you should floss each day and stop thinking that this is not an important step for your oral health. [Read More]

Benefits Of Wearing A Sleep Apnea Appliance

Posted on: 2 March 2018

If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, your dentist might recommend trying a very simple solution for the problem. This solution involves wearing a custom-made sleep apnea appliance, which is similar to a mouth guard that athletes wear while playing sports. Wearing this appliance will not only help you sleep more soundly, but it will also offer the following benefits. Reduced Risks of Health Problems One of the top benefits a mouth guard will offer to you is decreased risks of health problems. [Read More]

Tips For People Who Need Dentures When They're Young

Posted on: 5 February 2018

If you have missing teeth or premature tooth loss, you might not be able to get other replacement options like singular implants or bridges. The only other solution is partial or full dentures, depending on your situation. Most people associate dentures with elderly individuals, so it's easy to feel self-conscious about having dentures when you're just a teen or young adult. Here are some tips that can make living with dentures easier when you're young, and some tips to help you feel as confident as possible so you can still live a full life. [Read More]

Managing Discomfort Associated With Getting Braces

Posted on: 10 January 2018

If your child is having braces put on for the first time, it's likely that he or she will go through a week or so of discomfort. In addition, each adjustment will be somewhat uncomfortable for a day or two. The benefits of having proper orthodontic treatment far outweigh the potential mild and temporary discomfort that accompanies them. Still, there are some things you can do to help your child get through the uncomfortable hours and days following each appointment. [Read More]