How To Removes Stains On Teeth Naturally

Posted on: 4 December 2015

Dark and stained teeth can look unattractive and make you feel ashamed to smile. When people see your stained teeth, they may think that you are unhealthy or don't take care of your teeth. Consuming something as simple as coffee can leave a small discoloration on your teeth and the stains can get darker over time. Here is a natural way to whiten your teeth by simply making a paste made of baking soda and strawberries. [Read More]

Reasons For Not Putting Your Baby To Bed With A Bottle

Posted on: 16 November 2015

If you have a baby then you will of course want to do everything you can to ensure they remain as healthy and happy as possible. It may seem like a good idea to give them a bottle when they go to bed so they will be comforted while they sleep and maybe even sleep longer with a full belly. However, there are many reasons why you should avoid giving your baby a bottle in bed and you can learn about some of them in this article. [Read More]

Regular Dental Checkups: They May Decrease The Risk Of Strokes

Posted on: 27 October 2015

Most people have heard the song and dance about the value of getting regular dental checkups since elementary school. Many associate the checkups with an effective way to prevent cavities. They can rot your teeth and wind up costing you some expensive dental work. Many people don't realize that twice-yearly checkups can also decrease the risk of your suffering from other serious and often life threatening health problems, such as a stroke. [Read More]

Uneven Teeth: Why You Should Opt For Getting Them Contoured

Posted on: 13 October 2015

Are you frustrated with your uneven teeth ruining a smile that could be beautiful? You can get your uneven teeth corrected by undergoing tooth contouring. Here is what you should know about tooth contouring and what it is estimated to cost. What Makes Tooth Contouring Good for Fixing Uneven Teeth? Tooth contouring is only good for evening out teeth if you are a good candidate. Basically, you must undergo an X-ray so the dentist can get a look at the pulp chamber of the teeth that will be contoured. [Read More]