Addressing Common Misconceptions About Tooth Whitening

Posted on: 9 November 2016

Have white teeth is critical for making sure that the quality of your smile is as high as possible. Yet, there are many substances that can gradually cause your teeth to become dull or stained. When this type of damage occurs, you will need to undergo a whitening procedure to restore the appearance of your teeth. Tooth whitening is an often poorly understood procedure, and this has allowed some common myths to spread. [Read More]

Dental Filling Facts: Choosing The Right One For Your Healthy Mouth

Posted on: 7 October 2016

If your dentist has told you that you have a cavity, you likely need a filling. There isn't just one "type" of filling. Dental fillings come in several different types of varieties. Knowing what these are beforehand can help you to better understand what your dentist is telling you during your visit. This means learning about the filling names, what materials they're made from, and why they're used. Keep in mind that your dentist has specialized education and experience in this area. [Read More]

2 Tips To Avoid Dislodging Particles After A Socket Bone Grafting

Posted on: 7 October 2016

If you want to undergo a dental implant procedure, then you may have to go complete a socket bone grafting. This involves placing bone in areas of your mouth where the bone development is weak. Weaker bone development is more common in individuals who have had damaged or missing teeth. In addition, if you are a denture wearer, then you may have experienced bone loss. After this surgical procedure is complete, you may notice small particles in your mouth every few days. [Read More]

2 Ways To Lessen Your Chance Of Gum Disease

Posted on: 22 September 2016

If a dentist in your area has diagnosed you with minor gum disease, you may be feeling a bit frustrated, especially if you have been brushing and flossing regularly. Gum disease is caused by inflammation of the gums and can progress to the point of bone and tooth loss. Nevertheless, there are some things that you can do to lessen your chance of developing gum disease. Here are some of them: [Read More]