These Are Issues Your Clear Aligners Can Address

Posted on: 7 October 2022

If you have some dental imperfections, you may have considered clear aligners. They are a great way to achieve straighter teeth without having to wear traditional braces. But what exactly can they do?

Here are some of the most common issues aligners can address and which ones might require more extensive dental treatment.


An underbite is when the lower teeth stick out past the upper teeth. This can be caused by a misalignment of the jaw or by genetics.

Typically, clear aligners can treat mild and moderate underbites. If your underbite is caused by a tooth issue and not a jaw issue, aligners may be most useful.


An overbite is when the upper teeth hang over the lower teeth. This is one of the most common dental issues.

Clear aligners often treat overbites. In some cases, patients may require surgery to fully correct the issue, especially if they have serious jaw issues as well.


A crossbite is when the upper teeth fit right inside the lower teeth. This can cause wear and tear on the teeth as well as gum disease.

Crossbites can be treated with clear aligners in many cases. Additional or more extensive treatment is useful in severe cases.

Open Bite

An open bite is when there is a space between the teeth when the mouth is closed. This can be caused by thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or other habits.

Open bites are often treated with aligners, especially because they are often related to dental placement rather than jaw alignment. If jaw alignment is also a factor, aligners may not be the best option.

Teeth Gaps

Dental gaps are caused by many issues, including genetics. In many cases, aligners are a great choice for gaps because they don't require additional treatment to address jaw issues.

Crowded Teeth 

If your teeth are too close together, they may be difficult to clean properly. This can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems.

Aligners can help to space teeth out so that they are easier to clean and less likely to experience problems. The severity of the problem will determine whether you'll benefit from clear aligners or braces.

Contact a Dental Professional to Learn More About Aligners

If you're interested in clear aligners, the best thing to do is to speak with a dental professional. They can help you determine if aligners are the best choice for your needs and give you an estimate of how long treatment will take.
