Tongue Tie And Its Treatment
Posted on: 16 November 2016
Some children are born with a condition called tongue tie. Although it may sound serious, its correction is generally simple, and if treated, it can have little impact on a child's development. Here are a few details about tongue tie and the procedure that is used to correct it:
What is tongue tie?
Tongue tie occurs when the thin band of tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too short to permit the tongue to move freely.
What are the ramifications of tongue tie?
Tongue tie can have different ramifications depending on the age of the child. For a newborn or baby, tongue tie can make it difficult for the tongue to curve into a "U" shape for effective breastfeeding. Infants with tongue tie may find it difficult to latch onto their mother's breast and form a secure suction to obtain enough milk during nursing.
For toddlers who are developing speech, tongue tie can make it difficult for a child to form his or her words or pronounce sounds properly. Still, tongue tie generally has no negative lasting effects if treated properly. Thus, nursing and speech problems can be averted by proper treatment after a tongue tie diagnosis.
Does tongue tie ever correct on its own?
Tongue tie does sometimes correct on its own. Over time, the short band of tissue, which is called the frenulum, can elongate enough for the tongue to move freely. If tongue tie is not serious enough to interfere with a child's development, a dentist or doctor may suggest waiting for the child to reach toddlerhood before considering a correction.
Can tongue tie be corrected surgically?
Tongue tie can be corrected through a procedure called a frenectomy. During a frenectomy, the short band of tissue is simply snapped. The procedure usually causes little bleeding or discomfort and can be performed in a dentist's or doctor's office.
There is so little discomfort involved in a frenectomy that anesthesia may not even be required.
Does the tissue reconnect after a frenectomy is performed?
After a frenectomy is performed to free the tongue, a subsequent snipping should not be necessary. The tissue should not reconnect, so the tongue should remain free enough to move in an appropriate manner for clear speech and effective nursing.
To learn more about tongue tie and its associated treatment, schedule a consultation with a dentist or physician in your area. Visit websites like to learn more.