2 Ways To Lessen Your Chance Of Gum Disease

Posted on: 22 September 2016

If a dentist in your area has diagnosed you with minor gum disease, you may be feeling a bit frustrated, especially if you have been brushing and flossing regularly. Gum disease is caused by inflammation of the gums and can progress to the point of bone and tooth loss. Nevertheless, there are some things that you can do to lessen your chance of developing gum disease. Here are some of them:

Use an oral irrigator.

An oral irrigator is a dental hygiene tool that can be used to remove plaque and leftover food from between the teeth and along the gum line. When you eat, some of the food becomes lodged in your mouth in areas, such as between your teeth. This leftover food mixes with the oral bacteria in your mouth to form a sticky substance called plaque that adheres to the teeth and gums.

Plaque causes irritation to the gums, because the bacteria in the substance release acid as they feed and digest food. In addition to dissolving tooth enamel, the acid is corrosive and irritating to sensitive tissues, such as the gums.Thus, plaque's removal can cause a decline in gum inflammation.

Oral irrigators usually include a reservoir to hold water and a wand to release it. The tip of the wand allows the concentrated stream of water to be directed to the areas of the mouth that the user chooses. Based on your gum needs and sensitivity, you can vary the force of the water stream by manipulating the controls on the device. Some oral irrigators also allow you to pulsate the water flow to massage the gums, encouraging good circulation and gum tissue health. 

Oil pull regularly.

Another way to improve your gum health is through oil pulling. Oil pulling is performed by moving oil around your oral cavity for several minutes before releasing it. The practice is beneficial to your gum health, because it traps oral bacteria as it comes in contact with the microbes. Due to the liquidity of the oil, it is able to flow between the teeth and just under the gum line. 

It is best to perform oil pulling after you wake up, before you eat or brush your teeth. After you release the oil from your mouth, you should rinse your mouth with water and then brush as usual.

To learn more about ways to improve or protect the health of your gums, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area or visit websites like http://northwestdental.com/.
